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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 04/13/2011

                        AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
APRIL 13, 2011

I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER a. Introduction of new commission members
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren, Martin Kaplan, Jeffrey Bernetich, Brian Glenn, Linda Meyers and new member Brian Preleski. New member absent: Lisa Levin. Advisory member present: Jonathan Craig. Advisory members absent: Giorgina Paiella and Diane Zhao. Also in attendance were staff members Steve Bartha, Assistant to the Town Manager and Peter Gaski, BOE Director of Facilities.

Mr. Zahren introduced the newest commission member Brian Preleski. Mr. Preleski has lived in Avon for 16 years and is interested in energy conservation and looks forward to being a member of the commission. Other commission members gave a brief introduction as well.

Mr. Kaplan requested that the percentage listed on page three, paragraph two be changed from 15% to 50%.

VOTE: Mr. Preleski motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the March 2nd minutes as presented with the change. Ms. Meyers was absent from the meeting and abstained. Mr. Glenn was late for the vote.


IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Solar PV System, b. Regional Grant Update, i. Review and Discuss Project Scope, ii. Review and Discuss Draft Trip Report, iii. Discuss Next Steps (Note: Peregrine will attend the May 4 Mtg.), c. Discuss new school energy competition
Mr. Zahren spoke of his and Mr. Bernetich’s recent meeting with the new Superintendent of Schools, Gary Mala. He was very pleased that Mr. Mala is a great advocate of renewable energy. Both were very impressed with Mr. Mala’s enthusiasm and his concern with the town’s energy use. Mr. Zahren added that energy is the second highest cost to the town next to salaries. Mr. Zahren discussed the difficulty of green energy sign ups with Mr. Mala and felt confident that he had his support to elicit the help of the school PTOs to hold their own contests. He hoped the PTOs could ready a contest by the fall as time in the current school year is running out. He also feared that the Clean Energy Fund currently had monies for the sign ups but that there was no guarantee that this program would continue. Mr. Bartha noted that the State announced that they’d continue with the contest and possibly a 30% by 2014 or 2015, but he added that the FY12 budget did not contain funding for the program. He added that the contract the town had with Sterling Planet expired at the end of  2010 and that any extension would need to be run by the Town Council.  Ms. Meyers said that we need the PTOs’ support and felt the $25 per sign up would provide the best incentive for it. Mr. Bartha also suggested going to the Town Council and explaining the need for their support to acquire the solar array for the middle school.

Mr. Bartha updated the members on Peregrine’s progress so far. He said that Peregrine will be looking to the members for the qualitative aspects of the energy plan for discussion next month. Peregrine has been through the schools and town buildings with Mr. Trujillo, Mr. Gaski, Mr. Williams and Mr. Bartha to create an inventory in order to establish a quantitative portion of the plan. He also suggested reading the plan for the Town of Holyoke, MA that was included in their response to the RFP for similarities of form. The invoice included with the agenda packet reflects the hours spent inventorying the town facilities. Generally, Peregrine was very impressed with the efforts the town and BOE have made to upgrade systems and buildings for increased energy efficiency. Their final report will show greater detail and prioritize projects aimed to achieve greater energy paybacks. Mr. Kaplan asked how the town would keep the suggestions going after Peregrine left. He described software packages that were available that benefited other towns, such as West Hartford and Wethersfield, and wondered if Peregrine offered similar options. Mr. Zahren said that it would be up to the town to implement and monitor the results and goals that were set by Peregrine. Long term would be to get the whole town involved in green energy. Mr. Craig questioned if the plan would cover the town fleet as well. Mr. Bartha said yes and that it was included in Peregrine’s benchmarks.

Mr. Gaski told of Mr. Mala’s recent efforts to bring in an energy consultant to evaluate ways to save energy. Mr. Gaski said they’d be paid based on performance through a percentage of the monies saved by implementation of their energy plan. Mr. Gaski added that this also included a software package. Savings could be achieved through three parts: mechanicals, behavior and energy rates. Mr. Kaplan hopes that the energy plan would include a town wide effort including both the town and school sides. Mr. Zahren concurred. Mr. Bartha reminded the group that these ideas would be discussed with Peregrine at the May 4th meeting. He added too that Peregrine would discuss their trip report to Avon in greater detail at this meeting as well.

Mr. Zahren briefly discussed a worksheet he prepared and e-mailed to the members prior to the meeting for suggested topics to think about in preparation for the May 4th meeting with Peregrine. Some topics included 20% renewable energy use by the town by 2020, photovoltaic panels reaching a competitive price with the grid and the increasing energy costs busting governmental budgets. He said to be prepared to ask Peregrine the tough questions.

Mr. Zahren requested that Mr. Bartha re-send a copy of Peregrine’s Holyoke, MA energy plan to each member for review before the May 4th meeting. West Hartford and Wetherfield’s energy plans can be seen on the internet as well.

Mr. Zahren discussed the school energy contest. He recapped that the commission had passed on one this year but formally awarded Thompson Brook School the winner of last year’s contest. He felt it was too late for a pizza party but suggested a plaque be made and awarded at a Council or BOE meeting. Mr. Bartha said planning had already begun for Avon Day and felt it would be a great opportunity to get out there as the energy plan would already be completed. Mr. Zahren found that having a booth at Avon Day was unsuccessful in getting sign ups for the 20% by 2010 contest and that it showed that a one-on-one conversation was the only way to achieve it. He also reminded the group to think of areas they’d like to work in as members of the commission such as solar panel sign ups, Avon Day or interface on the energy plan.

V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Appointment of a commission member as a liaison on energy plan, b. Remaining EECBG Formula Grant funds ($24,250), i. Review possible projects, ii. Recommend project(s) to PM
Mr. Zahren looked to members to volunteer as a liaison on the energy plan. Mr. Bartha suggested the candidate have the flexibility to meet during the day. He reminded them, too, that the whole commission could not be at these meetings as it could constitute a special meeting whereby it would have to be publicly posted with an agenda. Mr. Glenn agreed to be the liaison to Peregrine with Mr. Kaplan providing a backup position. Mr. Bartha will give a week’s notice before a meeting would take place. Mr. Zahren reminded Mr. Bartha that he may be delayed for the next meeting.

Mr. Zahren discussed the remaining EECBG formula grant funds ($24,250). Mr. Bartha asked public works for possible suggested uses for the funds and received three: 1) BOE school re-lamping ($14,100), 2) exterior door weather stripping on BOE buildings ($7,500), and 3) replace existing HVAC unit with a new, high efficiency unit in building one ($17,163). Mr. Bernetich requested that he review the estimates before a decision is made as he feels he has extensive history with purchasing decisions. He questioned the $7,500 figure for weather stripping and $14,100 for re-lamping. Mr. Gaski offered that doing re-lamping with the entire amount could save $25,000 for the first year alone. He said that the weather stripping number was an estimate. Ms. Meyers felt that choosing the re-lamping with showing the payback would provide great publicity for the commission’s use of the Obama stimulus money. Mr. Bartha checked that all three projects qualified with OPM for the grant funds. He added that if the lamps were chosen for the total amount then the BOE may need to go out to bid, which would ensure that the best price was received for the bulbs. He said too that paperwork would need to be generated for OPM as well, in order to get the job done during the summer when the schools were closed. Mr. Bartha said the Building 1 A/C unit would be subject to replacement regardless of funds appropriated from the leftover grant. Ms. Meyers questioned the commission’s role in augmenting the town’s capital improvement budget. She also suggested contacting CL & P to see if rebate funds are available for refitting. Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Bernetich to compare the three suggested uses for the remaining funds and report the findings at the next commission meeting.

Mr. Kaplan discussed the current SB1 bill up for vote in the legislature. He suggested that the town write a letter to Rep. Witkos showing support. Mr. Zahren countered that there were so many pieces to the bill that it’s difficult to do. Mr. Kaplan said that ultimately the bill’s aim is to save energy costs for the state and the towns. He said too that the bill is available to be read on the internet. Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Bartha for a timeframe that the commission would need to present a letter to the Town Council. Mr. Bartha cautioned having the town endorse a politicized bill. He also felt that staff would not have the resources to study the bill in time for a letter of endorsement. Mr. Zahren said individual members could sign the letter but not the commission as a whole. Mr. Bartha suggested that Mr. Kaplan draft a letter for consideration.


VOTE: Mr. Glenn motioned, Mr. Preleski seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                        Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk